Petroleum Geophysics



At the end of the course participants will: · Understand the fundamental concepts in geophysical exploration · Grasp the potential of seismic data in terms of interpretation value · Liaise and collaborate with experts in the fields of seismic acquisition, processing and
interpretation · Place and value geophysical activities in a multi-disciplinary context · Judge the merits of various geophysical techniques · Recognize artefacts and direct hydrocarbon indications on seismic · Value novel developments such as 4D and seismic inversion for exploration, development,
and production purposes.
Participants will also work on field case seismic interpretation exercises both on paper &
A Handout containing a copy of the various presentations, together with some key
publications addressing key topics.
Several videos will also illustrate main topics.


• Introduction to Petroleum Geophysics & Geophysical methods: Gravity, Magnetic, Electric
& Seismic Reflection
• Why listen to the Earth, various types of seismic data: 2D, 3D, 4D, HR, Micro-Seismics.
• Land & Marine Seismic Acquisition: Propagation waves & characteristics, topography,
Sources, Receivers, Recording, Survey design, Folds, Records QC & Quick Processing, Economics,
new Technologies.
• Basic Processing Flow, Pre-stack & Post-stack processing, Trace characteristics, Special
processing, Amplitude versus Offset (AVO), seismic Inversion.
• Seismic Interpretation Procedure, Play concepts & shared Earth model in E&P, structural
interpretation steps, ‘old days method’, Computer-assisted interpretation, VSPs & well to
seismic tie, Mapping, Velocity models, Time & Depth structural maps, Prospects,
Stratigraphic traps.
• OOIP & GIIP estimates, Risk analysis, Resources & Reserves assessment.