Level 2: Reservoir Eng 6: Reservoir Performance





I– Drive Mechanisms

1) Reservoir Depletion

2)  Reservoir Types and Process

3)  Performance of  Oil Reservoir

4)  Primary Recovery Mechanisms:Definition

5)  Primary Recovery Mechanisms: Rock and Liquid Expansion

6)  Primary Recovery Mechanisms:Depletion Drive

7)  Primary Recovery Mechanisms:Gas Cap Drive

8)  Primary Recovery Mechanisms:Water Drive

9)  Primary Recovery Mechanisms :Gravity Drainage Drive

10)  Primary Recovery Mechanims: Combination Drive + Schematic Picture

11)  RF

II– Material Balance

1)  Introduction

2)  Basic assumptions

3)  Terms  & Symbols

4)  Example:Combination Drive

5)  Material Balance :SolutionGas Drive above Pb

6)  Material Balance :SolutionGas Drive below Pb

III– Gas Reservoir

1) MBE Gas Reservoir :Introduction

2) MBE Gas Reservoir : Generalized Equation

3) MBE Gas Reservoirs: Estimation of OGIP for a volumetric Reservoir

4) MBE Gas Reservoirs:Estimation of OGIP for a water Drive Reservoir

5) MBE Gas Reservoirs:Estimation of OGIP for a Dry Gas Reservoir

6) MBE:Gas Reservoirs:Recovery Factors with Water Influx

7) MBE:Gas Reservoirs: Abnormally Pressure Reservoirs

IV-Decline Curve Analysis

1) Introduction

2) Definition

3) Advantages of DCA

4) Decline curve Problems

5) Reducing Mistakes in Decline Curves

6) Forecasting Group of Wells

7) Decline Curve Shapes

8) Decline Curve Analysis (DCA) :Exponential Decline

9) Reservoirs Types with Exponential Decline + Example

10) DCA:Hyperbolic Curve

11) Decline Curves Assume Pseudosteady State

12) Transient versus Pseudosteady State Decline

13) Reservoir Types with Hyperbolic Decline

14) Decline Curve Analysis:Harmonic Decline + Example

15) DCA: Time at abandonment

16) Summary

17) Examples